If you are a small business owner and you have reached a point where you can no longer pay your creditors, then you might be going into bankruptcy. This is a situation whereby your liabilities are more than your debts and you find it extremely hard to balance your books of accounts.
Bankruptcy implies a lot of things but the best thing is that it happens to many people and therefore many ways have been devised on how to deal with it. I know insolvency is a word that sends chills down the spine of many people because it is associated with property loss, stigmatization as well as discrimination.
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While it is true that it will publicly be known that you can are insolvent, no one should discriminate you on this basis. So what follows after your small business has been declared bankrupt? Probably you are faced with the question whether you should file a case or not. It is advisable to consider all the other available alternatives and only go for this if all else fails.
You will most likely have to hire the services of an attorney. Although this calls for extra expenditure, it keeps you on the safe side because an attorney will not only represent you but will also advice you on the best way forward. He will be in a position to explain to you why it is more advisable for you to file for insolvency under chapter 11 or under 7 and not any other chapter. This way, you will be more informed and you will avoid bad risks.
Bankruptcy Attorney Cincinnati
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