"The Foreclosure Survival Guide: Keep Your House Or Walk Away With Money In Your Pocket" by Attorney Stephen Elias, Author of "How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy" is if nothing else, very timely. Unfortunately so, the rise in foreclosures this past year makes a book like this most welcome for many people going through foreclosure, or for those that the dreaded fear of foreclosure looms overhead.
In these uncertain times, with more foreclosures than ever before, a book like this will be very helpful to many people. If you have received a formal foreclosure notice, or are being threatened with foreclosure, this book will guide you through the process and your options. If you just want to know more about foreclosures, this is a very easy primer on the topic.
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While the book is written by an attorney, it is written for the layperson to easily understand foreclosures and options. It starts out with an overview of what to expect and then proceeds into the nuts and bolts of foreclosures.
From there, the book discusses emotional aspects of having your house foreclosed upon, and if it makes sense to attempt to keep your house or not. There is a chapter on negotiating a workout, and chapters on how Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcies can delay or stop your foreclosure. Elias includes a chapter on fighting foreclosures in court, and what you can do when you decide to let the foreclosure proceed and leave your home. There is even a short chapter on how long you can stay in your house for free. As the title of this book suggests, it is for the home owner who is facing foreclosure, not the bank. It is suggested that the money you save by being in your house for free can be the start money you need to find another home.
There are a number of pages of resources that may help those during foreclosures or before. It is also good that Elias points out some of the scams that go on and how certain "foreclosure rescue" companies are just looking to scam you and take the little money you have.
The book concludes with a decent glossary of terms related to foreclosures and a brief description of each of the 50 State's laws on foreclosures. This short summary of laws is enough to get the reader pointed in the right direction when researching the laws that govern the foreclosed property.
If you know nothing about foreclosures and want to for whatever reason; you want the information, you may be facing a foreclosure in the near future, or you are facing one now, this book is a great primer on the topic. While I don't practice in the areas of foreclosure or bankruptcy, this book provided me with additional information for those calls I sometimes field from people that need more information regarding these issues.
I just wish there weren't so many people that need this book.
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