If you are struggling with debt, you know how stressful it is to sort out the jumble of payments and interest rates you have so you can make a solid debt reduction plan. While many people are successful in do it yourself debt reduction, other find debt consolidation or bankruptcy is a better solution to their financial problems. There are several approaches to a do it yourself reduction plan and an attorney is best suited to help you decide on whether to take a debt consolidation vs bankruptcy approach.
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Many people find that sticking to a do it yourself debt reduction plan is the best way to sort out their finances. Putting an end to all unnecessary spending and sticking to a budget and funneling more money toward your debts will help decrease your debt load significantly. Many people use a snowball approach to debt reduction. In this model, people pay down their loans with the smallest debts first and then use the money they were putting towards that debt into their usual payment with their next smallest debt amount and so on until all bills are paid. This approach allows you quick, small victories and satisfaction by clearing off debts quickly. The downside to this strategy is that you may end up paying more interest on larger loans. Other people take the opposite approach and aggressively pay off their largest debts first. Once a large debt is settled, it is extremely satisfying but gratification of a quick pay off is delayed. While is is not as immediately satisfying to pay off large debts aggressively over time, once they are paid you will feel more than capable of tackling your smaller debts and you will have saved lots of money in interest charges.
Some people are unable to solve their finances with do it yourself debt reduction and need help from professionals. If you are considering debt consolidation vs bankruptcy, speak to a financial adviser and an attorney to familiarize yourself with all the legalities and intricacies of both options. Typically, debt consolidation will allow you to lump your debts into one monthly payment made to a debt consolidation service that then works with your lenders to distribute the payments in structured, monthly increments. Bankruptcy will clear most debts, student loans are usually not included in bankruptcy declarings, but will stay on and reflect poorly on your credit report for many years. Before you choose any of these options, be sure to get financial advice from a trusted adviser or attorney who can help you get back on the road to financial success by determining if you can make headway with a do it yourself debt reduction plan or if debt consolidation vs bankruptcy is right for you.
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