If your company is in the process of trying to improve sales and productivity, a live receptionist answering service may serve as the perfect solution. These services provide your business the extra time necessary to take care of small responsibilities that would not ordinarily get solved due to high incoming call volumes. Managing a variety of projects can result in neglect to phone lines, and with calls coming in at all hours, it's hard to handle all of them properly and not miss any important opportunities with potential clients. This article offers information as well as a helpful case study on live receptionist answering-services and the ways they can improve your business.
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When clients and customers call in, they expect to get in touch with a live person to provide them with specific knowledge and answers. More then half of the time, automated services or message machines result in customers hanging up the phone and reaching out to better service, sometimes one of your competitors.
A Live Receptionist Answering-Service serves as an administrative assistant-a direct extension of your business to provide customers and potential clients with a sense of security that they are receiving efficient, friendly responses. When all calls are managed, answered, and successfully redirected, you'll have time to grow your business and concentrate on productive activities without worrying about losing customers.
Letting your calls go to voicemail is a risk. After identifying your needs, set out to find a live receptionist answering-service that can meet them. Do most of the missed calls you encounter come in after business hours? Or are you in need of a live virtual receptionist at all hours of the day? Based on what's best for your business, there are live receptionist answering-services to match your needs.
There are many important benefits to hiring a live receptionist answering-service; here's one case study of how an answering-service helped a bankruptcy lawyer.
One bankruptcy attorney wanted to increase both her client base and the efficiency of her office, but her phone was ringing off the hook. If she wasn't being constantly interrupted by phone calls, then she risked letting them go to voicemail and losing new client opportunities. Either way the cost to her practice was high, as much of her time was spent listening to voicemails and playing phone tag. This bankruptcy attorney needed an effective 24/7 live receptionist answering-service solution, one capable of scheduling appointments for new client consults, paperwork signing, and other follow up meetings. Additionally, she receptionists to direct clients to arrive at appointments prepared with the necessary paperwork, confirm appointments a day in advance, transfer court calls directly to her, and take messages for 'creditor' calls. Live receptionist answering services provided her will these capabilities. And the end result? Her practice has tripled, advertising dollars are not going to waste, and her practice is running with increased efficiency.
Find out more information on live receptionist answering services and what they can do for your business, whether you're a lawyer, doctor, or medical professional.
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