Everyone knows how persistent creditors can be when it comes to them getting their money. After all, a phone call that nets just a few dollars was worth it. If you are behind on your bills, your phone probably rings incessantly and you no longer want to answer it. Don't expect the creditors to stop calling just because you ignore the calls. They are persistent and will often find new ways to hound you.
If ignoring the calls won't work, then what is the best solution? Well throw your phone out the window of course. If you can't do that, then the best thing to do is secure the services of an attorney who can help you understand your rights when it comes to creditors and collections agencies. They may be able to help you negotiate with creditors to have some of the debt erased. They will also advise you on just how far creditors can go when it comes to harassing you, such as calling you at work.
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Once you realize that you are in over your head in credit debt, you need to take action. In many cases, your best bet is to file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can and will have a disastrous effect on your credit rating, but so will defaulting on your debts. Bankruptcy makes two very important things happen. One, it wipes the slate clean and allows you somewhat of a new start. You can begin to repair and rebuild your credit, free from outstanding debt. The second, and perhaps the best thing, is that it forces creditors to stop hounding you. Once you are in bankruptcy proceedings, all collection efforts must stop.
Bankruptcy is a complicated affair. Therefore it is almost always best to secure the services of an attorney. This will of course cost you a little, but the attorney will assure that you get the best possible outcome from the bankruptcy. Another nice feature is that you can direct annoying collection agents to your attorney. Efforts to collect after a creditor has been informed of your bankruptcy can actually lead to the debt being erased or even to damages in your favor, depending on the situation.
The best way to stop creditors from harassing you with endless phone calls is to stay out of debt in the first place. But we know that there are times when this is just not possible. Everyone is capable of falling on hard times, no matter how careful they are with their money. Bankruptcy law was designed with just such occurrences in mind and can help you get back on your feet.
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