Times are tough. You don't really need me to tell you that. When things get tight financially, we all tend to look for places to cut our expenses. It just makes sense. If you start looking at your health insurance, be very careful. A lack of health insurance can actually cost you everything because you can be bankrupted.
Over 30 million Americans don't have health insurance. That is a staggering number. So, what happens to one of these people when they get hurt? Let's same someone has to have their appendix out. It requires surgery and they are going to be in the hospital for a day or two at a minimum. Financially, this can easily mean more than $15,000 in medical bills. Without health insurance, the patient is personally responsible for coming up with the money.
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Bankruptcy is a concept that has been around for a long time. Until recently, most of us associated it with business failures and people who ran up their credit cards. While there were plenty of cases in this area, neither was the most common cause of bankruptcy filings. Given the title of this article, you can probably guess what was. Yes, medical bills.
Medical bills can accumulate faster than you can imagine. Spend a night in a hospital and the cost can easily be in the $4,000 range depending on where you are in the country. Now imagine that your spouse starts complaining of abdomen pain one evening. It gets worse and you go to the hospital. They take x-rays and see a lump. Blood tests reveal it is a tumor. She'll need to see an oncologist so she can start chemotherapy and radiation treatments. It looks like she will survive, but you are facing in excess of $200,000 in medical bills when everything is said and done. Health insurance would have paid for it, but you don't have it! Your next step is to meet with a bankruptcy attorney.
The United States has one of the finest medical care service in the world. It also happens to be one of the most expensive. Don't get caught with your financial pants down. Maintain your health insurance!
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