Many individuals are anxious to sell their house, but they don't feel as though they can locate a buyer who will give them the amount of money they need. Perhaps, these individuals either have little or no equity in their home. In fact, they may actually have negative equity in that particular house. If that's your case, it's time to give serious consideration to obtaining a mortgage assignment.
There are tremendous advantages to considering alternative forms of financing when selling your house. However, many individuals find that, due to the current housing situation, that they don't have sufficient equity in their home to be able to get out of it without having to pay a tremendous amount at closing. Yes, you may be forced to file bankruptcy. You may even be forced into foreclosure. You may be fortunate and be able to obtain a forbearance. (However, remember, a forbearance merely typically delays the impending foreclosure proceeding.)
Business Bankruptcy Lawyer, Bankruptcy Without A Lawyer, Bankruptcy Chapter 7,
Are you familiar with the term mortgage assignment? It really isn't a very complex feature. In fact, many individuals refer to it as the "least-worst" option for the homeowner. The reason that it is called this is because the individuals who find themselves with either bankruptcy or foreclosure staring them in the face feel as though their backs are against the wall. Sadly, many individuals are actually compelled to file bankruptcy principally because of their inability to meet the demands of their mortgages.
A mortgage assignment is a vehicle that allows the individual to quickly sell their home for at or near asking price. In fact, the purchaser will oftentimes pay the individual the asking price. In fact, this strategy is often used for people who may have as much as 10 to 15% negative equity in their home.
As an alternative means of selling your house, this is probably the fastest and easiest way to be able to get out from under that oppressive mortgage payment. No, it isn't an ideal situation. However, it certainly beats having an individual either file bankruptcy or be placed into foreclosure.
The mortgage assignment also allows the homeowner to preclude having to pay closing costs. It also enables the homeowner to get out from under their mortgage in as little as 60-90 days. This can be a tremendous advantage to the individual for whom foreclosure is very likely.
If you're seriously considering filing bankruptcy, you may be persuaded to discuss the issue with an attorney. Indeed, you should discuss such an action with an attorney prior to engaging in such an action. However, in most instances, attorneys who specialize in bankruptcy proceedings are very likely to encourage an individual to file for bankruptcy irrespective of the actual need for them to do so.
If you are an individual who is either considering bankruptcy or realizes that they are likely to be placed into a foreclosure situation very soon, a mortgage assignment may be the best possible remaining option for you. It is extremely important for you to consult with individuals who specialize in these alternative forms of financing for such transactions. Failure to rely on individuals who do specialize in these transactions may result in permanent tax consequences and unnecessary closing costs, etc.
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