Have you noticed that your phone isn't ringing much these days?
You're wondering why your colleagues are bitchin' and moaning all the time about how tough it is to get cases now-a-days? Have you ever joined a 'downer-festival' where every lawyer sitting in the attorney's lounge is complaining about how the lousy economy is hurting business (except for bankruptcy attorneys)?
Every wonder why your current form of marketing is just getting you by and not really doing what it's supposed to?
If you've asked these questions, you are not alone. You've got a problem. A big one. Your cases are dwindling. Your cash flow is diminishing. Your future cash flow is not looking that good either. Your yellow pages ad has not resulted in any return on investment... yet. Your TV commercial got you a few calls; but those were junk. Nobody called when you ran your radio ads. Your website isn't bringing in much business either. What can you do to solve your problem?
Arkansas Bankruptcy Lawyer, Bankruptcy Attorney Corona, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Lawyer,
The answer is video. Remember that video will not improve your yellow pages ad; nor your radio ad or any other marketing you're doing. What creating video will do is distinguish you from all of your competitors and give a viewer a compelling reason to call you and not the lawyer down the street. It is the best return on investment anywhere. It plays 24/7; all for the same low price of... NOTHING! Where else can you create a video once and have it watched over and over for FREE? Nowhere.
Video is the solution to your problem.
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